
From The Toaq Wiki
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Auto-hóa (or hóa elision) is a hypothetical rule in which hóa or any other anaphoric pronoun in general may be omitted from a relative clause in certain circumstances, such as in in sa pỏq nïe kúa. An auto-hóa rule is a rule which assigns meanings to these otherwise meaningless clauses, usually by specifying a spot where a covert hóa appears automatically.

The battle of auto-hóa

TODO: This section is useless information for the everyday Toaqist. Summarize.

Right after an avant-garde rap performance by nuogaı, fagri/Hoaqgıo posted a taxonomy of viable hóa elision proposals. They are enumerated as follows:

The Auto-Hóa Suite, by Hoaqgıo (2020-02-02)

  1. Required hóa.
    hóa must appear in every relative clause.
  2. Semi-required hóa.
    hóa must appear in every relative clause, unless that clause is completely empty, in which case hóa fills the first slot.
  3. Lazy initial auto-hóa.
    If hóa does not appear in the relative clause at all, then it is inserted before all of the other arguments.
  4. Eager initial auto-hóa.
    hóa is inserted before all of the other arguments even if it does appear elsewhere in the clause, and can only be cancelled with an explicit .[note 1]
  5. Lazy structural final auto-hóa.
    If hóa does not appear in the relative clause at all, then it is inserted after all of the other arguments at the top level.
  6. Eager structural final auto-hóa.
    A hóa is inserted after all of the other arguments at the top-level unless the top-level slots are all filled.
  7. Lazy pre-terminator final auto-hóa.
    If a hóa does not appear in the relative clauese at all, it is inserted as an automatic final word in the phrase (e.g., after explicit terminators but before implicit ones).
  8. Eager pre-terminator final auto-hóa.
    hóa is inserted as an automatic final word in the phrase (e.g., after explicit terminators but before implicit ones) unless the phrase is full.
  9. Hybrid hóa.
    The constructs , , lủ, and räı could have different rules of hóa. For example, eager initial auto-hóa in häo clauses together with semi-required hóa in / clauses has been suggested (the auto-hóa form for would then be ke häo).

The Auto-Hóa Suite by Hoemaı (2020-05-31)


uakcitalk’s anti-compromise auto-hóa (2021-09-20)


The Auto-Hóa Matrix (derivative gruël by yours truly uakcitalk; 2021-09-23)

The comprehensive list as presented above exhausts the sensible possibilities for hóa filling; however, given the medium of HTML, we can do one better and arrange the lazy–eager distinction across a matrix:

implicature-free diehards lazy (overridable) eager (forcible)
required semi-required initial
(hóa then arguments)
lazy initial eager initial
final structural final
(arguments then hóa)
lazy structural-final initial eager structural-final initial
pre-terminator final
(possibly nested terms then hóa)
lazy pre-terminator-final initial eager pre-terminator-final initial
hybrid (different rules for räı … hóa, lu … hóa, râı … ja) →

And this table gives examples ( meanıng ‘turns into’):

fä hóa
hóa fä á úhóa á ú
fä á hóa(no change)
fä á úhóa á ú
fä á hóahóa á hóa
fä fı á hóa(no change)
fä â úfä â ú na hóa
fä â ú hóa(no change)
fä â úfä â ú na hóa
fä â ú hóafä â ú hóa na hóa
fä á ú í(no change; full)
düa jí gîdüa jí gî hóa
söq jí gî ja na hóa(no change)
düa jí gîdüa jí gî hóa
söq jí gî ja(invalid; is full)
söq jí gî ja nasöq jí gî ja na hóa
(for example, say, räq jíräq hóa, but lü dua jílü dua jí hóa)


TODO: poignant summary owo



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Since place structure tags are no longer an official feature since the release of Toaq γ.