
From The Toaq Wiki
Revision as of 13:16, 24 March 2025 by *Ziqrua (talk | contribs) (general overview of font situation, heavily WIP)
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Toaq is written using an extended form of the Latin alphabet and Derani. This page seeks to track the Latin script fonts patched for Toaq support (usually to add the characters Ꝡ and ꝡ or diacritics like the underdot for prefixes), as well as the bespoke fonts created for Derani.

Latin script

Included by default

Of the fonts present in Google Fonts, very few have full support for the Toaq latin-script alphabet and diacritics:




Patched fonts

These are fonts which have unofficial versions created by the community to fully support Toaq. In general, these are minimal edits that only add the exact glyphs required for Toaq usage. If you would like to patch a font yourself, see the article Patching latin-script fonts for more details.

(TODO: Provide download links to the various formats, provide visuals of Toaq text in all of these fonts, create the guide on patching fonts, and patch more fonts to put here!)


(TODO: I think others in the community might have a better understanding of the situation here than I do!)