How many tones are there?
- See article
- Tone
What does tone X do?
✅ It depends. Simplifying things a lot, is for particles and verbs, is for particles and (pro)nouns, marks subordination, and is for adverbs. See Tone#The_four_tones for a thorough overview.
How do you pronounce X?
✅ Please refer to https://toaq.net/refgram/phonology/.
Is there a way to check whether my sentence is correct? / Is there a translator from Toaq to logic notation?
✅ You can use Kuna at https://toaq.net/kuna/.
How do I type the tone marks/symbols/diacritics?
✅ Please see Input methods.
How can I join the Discord server?
✅ Use this invite link: https://discord.gg/qDqDsH9
- See article
- Discord
What's with the ı / i without dot / dotless i?
✅ Writing ı without the dot distinguishes it more from an i that carries a tone mark, it also makes more room for an adjacent tone mark. Overall, it just makes things easier to read.
- See article
- Latin writing system
Is there a frequency list?
✅ Yes! https://github.com/toaq/corpus/blob/main/frequency-list.txt
Is there a list of translated sentences?
✅ We are working on it! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bCQoaX02ZyaElHiiMcKHFemO4eV1MEYmYloYZgOAhac/edit#gid=1395088029
What's up with the letter q in this language? Pronunciation of q
✅ q is somewhat special and its pronunciation may not be immediately obvious. It is pronounced like English ⟨ng⟩ (IPA [ŋ]). The use of the letter Q is a nod to Rex May’s Ceqli, an international auxiliary language with loglang elements; it’s also found in natural languages such as Fijian (where it represents [ᵑɡ], to be exact).
What's the difference between an indirect question and a ꝡé phrase?
✅ The distinction is extremely important logically speaking, but English usually conflates the two, so many people overlook the difference. The following example illustrates the difference:
- Dua jí ꝡä chı súq hí raı. = "I know what you believe"
- Dua jí ꝡé chı súq hóa. = "I know what you believe"
Let's say that what you believe is [God exists].
- says that I know that you believe [God exists], because I know what it is that you believe
- says that I know that [God exists] is true, because I know that which you believe to be true.