Derani diphthong reform

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Revision as of 00:24, 24 July 2024 by Laqme (talk | contribs) (Hoemaı comment)

When writing Derani, we could get rid of the diphthong mark (◌󱛎◌), and instead reuse more consonant glyphs to write falling diphthongs. This makes the writing system more compact and reduces the amount of marks underneath vowels.

Official Reform Mnemonic
󱚺󱛎󱚹 () 󱚶 (  aı / d) "High" spiral
󱚺󱛎󱛃 (ao) 󱚳 (  ao / p) 󱚺 (a) with a tail
󱚴󱛎󱚹 () 󱚸 (  eı / z) 󱚴 (e) with an 󱚹 (ı) flourish
󱛃󱛎󱚹 () 󱚽 (  oı / nh) "Low" spiral

Hoemaı called this "probably not a bad idea" so maybe we should start using it! [1]