Useful phrases: Difference between revisions

119 bytes removed ,  12:57, 1 October 2023
(«Mỉ … jí da» is the one that uakci gave me iirc.)
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! English !! Toaq
! English !! Toaq
| Welcome || {{t|Tỉjaı jí súq da.}} (lit. "I'm glad you're here")<br>({{t|Hỉo ka}} is also appropriate)
| Welcome || {{t|Shadı.}}
| Hello || {{t|Hỉo jí súq ka.}}<br>{{t|Hỉo ka.}}<br>{{t|Jadı.}} (informal)
| Hello || {{t|Jadı.}}<br>{{t|Hıo ka.}}<br>{{t|Hıo jí súq ka.}}
| How are you? || {{t|Fỏa súq hı rảı moq?}}
| How are you? || {{t|Foa súq hí raı móq?}}
| Reply to 'How are you?' || {{t|Fỏa gỉ jí da. Fỏa súq hı rảı moq?}} (I am well. How are you?)
| Reply to 'How are you?' || {{t|Foa gı jí da. Foa súq hí raı móq?}} (I am well. How are you?)
| Long time no see || {{t|Sảonıqguo gẻq go.}} (We meet for the first time in a big while, no?)
| Long time no see || {{t|Geq jí súq sâonıqguo nheo.}} (I meet you for the first time in a big while.)
| What's your name? || {{t|Chủa hı rảı súq moq?}}
| What's your name? || {{t|Chua hí raı súq móq?}}
| My name is … || {{t|Chủa shú … jí da.}}<br>{{t|Mỉ … jí da.}}
| My name is … || {{t|Chua kú shú … jí da.}}<br>{{t|Kumı̣ … jí da.}}
| Where are you from? || {{t|Gủasıao hı rảı súq moq?}} (What is your country-of-origin?)<br>{{t|Bủa súq hı gủa/dỏaq moq?}} (What country/city do you live in?}}
| Where are you from? || {{t|Guasıao hí raı súq móq?}} (What is your country-of-origin?)<br>{{t|Bua súq hí gua/doaq móq?}} (What country/city do you live in?}}
| I'm from … || {{t|Gủasıao … jí da.}} (My country-of-origin is…)<br>{{t|Bủa jí … da.}} (I live in…)
| I'm from … || {{t|Guasıao kú … jí da.}} (My country-of-origin is…)<br>{{t|Bua … da.}} (I live in…)
| Pleased to meet you. || {{t|Pủa gẻq jí súq da.}}
| Pleased to meet you. || {{t|Pua geq jí súq da.}}
| Good morning.<br>Good afternoon.<br>Good evening. || {{t|Hỉo ka.}}<ref>There seems to be not much of a tradition among Toaq speakers to vary greetings with the time of day.</ref><br>{{t|Gỉ dỉosıao ba.<br>Gỉ dỉo ba.<br>Gỉ dỉofao ba.}}
| Good morning.<br>Good afternoon.<br>Good evening. || {{t|Jadı.}}<ref>There seems to be not much of a tradition among Toaq speakers to vary greetings with the time of day.</ref><br>{{t|Hoeı gı ba.<br>Dıo gı ba.<br>Seum gı ba.}}
| Good night. || {{t|Gỉ nủaq ba.<br>Pủa sẻa (súq) ba.<br>Pủa nủo (súq) ba.}}
| Good night. || {{t|Nuaq gı ba.<br>Pua sea súq ba.<br>Pua nuo súq ba.}}
| Goodbye. || {{t|Hỉo ka.}}<br>{{t|Shảıhıo ka.}}
| Goodbye. || {{t|Baıbaı.}}<br>{{t|Jadıgıq.}}<br>{{t|Shaıhıo ka.}}
| Good luck! || {{t|Tảı súq ba!}} (May you succeed!)<br>{{t|Gỉneqjuq súq ba!}} (May you be fortunate!)
| Good luck! || {{t|Taı súq ba!}} (May you succeed!)<br>{{t|Gıneqjuq súq ba!}} (May you be fortunate!)
| Cheers! (When drinking) || {{t|Rỏe ba!}} (To health!)
| Cheers! (When drinking) || {{t|Roe ba!}} (To health!)
| Have a nice day! || {{t|Gỉ cháq ba!}}
| Have a nice day! || {{t|cháq ba!}}
| Bon appetit! || {{t|Gỉ háq ba!}}
| Bon appetit! || {{t|háq ba!}}
| Bon voyage! || {{t|Gỉ fáse ba!}}
| Bon voyage! || {{t|fáse ba!}}
| Do you understand? || {{t|Mủıdua súq moq?}}
| Do you understand? || {{t|Lım súq moq?}}
| I understand || {{t|Mủıdua jí da.}}
| I understand || {{t|Lım jí da.}}
| I don't understand || {{t|Bủ mủıdua jí da.}}
| I don't understand || {{t|Bu lım jí da.}}
| Yes || {{t|Nho}}
| Yes || {{t|Nho}}
Line 52: Line 52:
| No || {{t|Zı}}
| No || {{t|Zı}}
| Maybe || {{t|Dãı}} (an adverb)<br>{{t|Dảı da.}} (a sentence)
| Maybe || {{t|Daı da.}}
| I don't know || {{t|Bủ dủa jí da.}}
| I don't know || {{t|Bu dua jí da.}}
| Please speak more slowly ||
| Please speak more slowly || {{t|Choa mêoq súq ba.}}
| Please say that again ||
| Please say that again || {{t|Hıba.}}
| Please write it down ||
| Please write it down || {{t|Kaıkuq súq ba.}}
| Do you speak English? || {{t|Zủdeq súq íqlızu moq?}}
| Do you speak English? || {{t|Ma zudeq súq íqlızu móq?}}
| Do you speak Toaq? || {{t|Zủdeq súq tóaqzu moq?}}
| Do you speak Toaq? || {{t|Ma zudeq súq tóaqzu móq?}}
| Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') || {{t|Tủao zủdeq jí hóq da.}}
| Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') || {{t|Tuao zudeq jí hóq da.}}
| Do you speak a language other than Toaq? || {{t|Zủdeq súq sa bủ tỏaqzu moq?}}
| Do you speak a language other than Toaq? || {{t|Zudeq súq sá hem tóaqzu móq?}}
| Speak to me in Toaq || {{t|Kủq súq sa rảı tóaqzu ba.}}
| Speak to me in Toaq || {{t|Kuq súq sá raı côm tóaqzu ba.}}
| How do you say ... in Toaq? || {{t|Mủıjeq hı tỏaqtoa shú «…» moq?}}<br>(Which Toaq word means the same as "…"?)
| How do you say ... in Toaq? || {{t|Muıjeq hí toaqtoa shú «…» móq?}}<br>(Which Toaq word means the same as "…"?)
| Excuse me ||  
| Excuse me || {{t|Sheba}} (please move)
| How much is this? || {{t|Chỏaı hı rảı moq?}} (What does this cost?)
| How much is this? || {{t|Choaı hí raı móq?}} (What does this cost?)
| Sorry || {{t|Kủaq shẻo jí ka.}} (I hereby express regret.)
| Sorry || {{t|Kuaq sheo jí ka.}} (I hereby express regret.)
| Please ||
| Please || {{t|Sue jí súq … ka.}}
| Thank you || {{t|Kủaq kỉe jí ka.}} (I hereby express gratefulness.)<br>{{t|Kıjı!}} (Thanks!)
| Thank you || {{t|Kuaq kıe jí ka.}} (I hereby express gratefulness.)<br>{{t|Kıjı!}} (Thanks!)
| Reply to thank you || {{t|Jıkı.}}
| Reply to thank you || {{t|Jıkı.}}
| Where's the toilet / bathroom? || {{t|Tỉ sa nảokua hı rảı moq?}}
| Where's the toilet / bathroom? || {{t|Tı sá naokua hí raı moq?}}
| This (gentleman/lady) will pay for everything || {{t|Tẻq nẻoq ke mủo nha.}}
| This (gentleman/lady) will pay for everything || {{t|Teq neoq túq raı nha.}}
| Would you like to dance with me? || {{t|Gảq dẻzuo súq jí shôu?}}
| Would you like to dance with me? || {{t|Gaq marao súq jí dóa?}}
| Do you come here often? || {{t|Dảqfaı chôaq súq ní moq?}}<br>(Are you frequently a guest here?)
| Do you come here often? || {{t|Daqfaı, ꝡä choaq súq ní móq?}}<br>(Are you frequently a guest here?)
| I miss you || {{t|Tỉbumeo jí súq da.}}
| I miss you || {{t|Tıbumeo jí súq da.}}
| I love you || {{t|Mảı jí súq da.}}
| I love you || {{t|Maı jí súq da.}}
| Get well soon || {{t|Jỉajuı rôe súq ba.}}
| Get well soon || {{t|Jıajuı roe súq ba.}}
| Go away! || {{t|Jảofa súq bâ!}}
| Go away! || {{t|Jaofa súq bâ!}}
| Leave me alone! || {{t|Tỏıshaı súq jí bâ!}}
| Leave me alone! || {{t|Toıshaı súq jí bâ!}}
| Help! || {{t|Sỏasue ka!}}
| Help! || {{t|Soasue ka!}}
| Fire! || {{t|Lỏetue da!}}
| Fire! || {{t|Loetue da!}}
| Stop! || {{t|Shảı bâ!}}
| Stop! || {{t|Shaı bâ!}}
| Call the police! || {{t|Jủısue súq júaoche bâ!}}
| Call the police! || {{t|Juısue súq júaoche bâ!}}
| Christmas greetings || {{t|Pủagı Kísymasy ba!}}
| Christmas greetings || {{t|Puagı Kísımasa ba!}}
| New Year greetings || {{t|Gỉ nỉaq ba!}}
| New Year greetings || {{t|nıaq ba!}}
| Easter greetings || {{t|Pủagı Pásyka ba!}}
| Easter greetings || {{t|Puagı Pásaka ba!}}
| Birthday greetings || {{t|Gỉ jíuchaq ba!}}
| Birthday greetings || {{t|jíuchaq ba!}}
| Congratulations! || {{t|Kủaq jảıgaq ka!}}<br>{{t|Jaga!}}
| Congratulations! || {{t|Kuaq jaıgaq jí ka!}}<br>{{t|Jaga!}}
| One language is never enough || {{t|Gủosıa bîaq sa shỉ zủ da.}}
| One language is never enough || {{t|Guosıa, ꝡä bıaq sá zu shı da.}}
| My hovercraft is full of eels || {{t|Hẻqmuo jíbo rỉaırıochao baq hẻqgu da.}}
| My hovercraft is full of eels || {{t|Heqmuo ríaırıochao jıbo báq heqgu da.}}