Useful phrases

The “useful phrases” from Omniglot in Toaq.

Useful phrases
English Toaq
Welcome Shadı.
Hello Jadı.
Hıo ka.
Hıo jí súq ka.
How are you? Foa súq hí raı móq?
Reply to 'How are you?' Foa gı jí da. Foa súq hí raı móq? (I am well. How are you?)
Long time no see Geq jí súq sâonıqguo nheo. (I meet you for the first time in a big while.)
What's your name? Chua hí raı súq móq?
My name is … Chua kú shú … jí da.
Kumı̣ … jí da.
Where are you from? Guasıao hí raı súq móq? (What is your country-of-origin?)
Bua súq hí gua/doaq móq? (What country/city do you live in?}}
I'm from … Guasıao kú … jí da. (My country-of-origin is…)
Bua jí kú … da. (I live in…)
Pleased to meet you. Pua geq jí súq da.
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Hoeı gı ba.
Dıo gı ba.
Seum gı ba.
Good night. Nuaq gı ba.
Pua sea súq ba.
Pua nuo súq ba.
Goodbye. Shaıdı.
See Saying goodbye
Good luck! Taı súq ba! (May you succeed!)
Gıneqjuq súq ba! (May you be fortunate!)
Cheers! (When drinking) Roe ba! (To health!)
Have a nice day! Gı cháq ba!
Bon appetit! Gı háq ba!
Bon voyage! Gı fáse ba!
Do you understand? Lım súq moq?
I understand Lım jí da.
I don't understand Bu lım jí da.
Yes Nho
Maybe Daı da.
I don't know Bu dua jí da.
Please speak more slowly Suena choa mêoq súq ba.
Please say that again Suena hıba.
Please write it down Suena kaıkuq súq ba.
Do you speak English? Ma zudeq súq Íqlızu móq?
Do you speak Toaq? Ma zudeq súq Tóaqzu móq?
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') Tuao zudeq jí hóq da.
Do you speak a language other than Toaq? Zudeq súq sá hem Tóaqzu móq?
Speak to me in Toaq Kuq súq sá raı côm jí nô Tóaqzu ba.
How do you say ... in Toaq? Muıjeq hí toaqtoa shú «…» móq?
(Which Toaq word means the same as "…"?)
Excuse me Sheba (please move)
How much is this? Choaı ní hí raı móq? (What does this cost?)
Sorry Kuaq sheo jí ka. (I hereby express regret.)
Please Suena
Sue jí súq … ka.
Thank you Kuaq kıe jí ka. (I hereby express gratefulness.)
Kıjı! (Thanks!)
Reply to thank you Jıkı.
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Tı sá naokua hí raı moq?
This (gentleman/lady) will pay for everything Teq ní neoq túq raı nha.
Would you like to dance with me? Gaq marao súq jí dóa?
Do you come here often? Daqfaı, ꝡä choaq súq ní móq?
(Are you frequently a guest here?)
I miss you Tıbumeo jí súq da.
I love you Maı jí súq da.
Get well soon Jıajuı roe súq ba.
Go away! Jaofa súq bâ!
Leave me alone! Toıshaı súq jí bâ!
Help! Soasue ka!
Fire! Loetue da!
Stop! Shaı bâ!
Call the police! Juısue súq júaoche bâ!
Christmas greetings Puagı Kísımasa ba!
New Year greetings Gı ní nıaq ba!
Easter greetings Puagı Pásaka ba!
Birthday greetings Gı jíuchaq ba!
Congratulations! Kuaq jaıgaq jí ka!
One language is never enough Guosıa, ꝡä bıaq sá zu shı da.
My hovercraft is full of eels Heqmuo ríaırıochao jıbo báq heqgu da.
  1. There seems to be not much of a tradition among Toaq speakers to vary greetings with the time of day.