A raku is a Toaq phonology concept similar to a syllable. Every word is made of multiple raku, and every prefix is exactly one raku long.
For the most part, raku consist of
- a consonant except q, so one of b c ch d f g h j k l m n p r s t ꝡ z ')
- a vowel or diphthong (a e ı o u aı ao eı oı)
- optionally another vowel or diphthong, if what precedes isn't a diphthong
- optional q or m, if what precedes isn't a diphthong
There are some restrictions:
- No double vowels (reeı is invalid)
- nhı ꝡı ꝡu ae au ou are all disallowed
Whether something is a valid raku doesn't depend on its tone: fîeq is one raku but three syllables, /fi˧˥ˈiː˥˩ɛŋ˩/.
raku count
There are 1455 valid raku.[1]