Some Scope Creep

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Revision as of 19:02, 25 February 2025 by Laqme (talk | contribs) (split off Weird VPs)

Hoemaı's response to No Scope Creep was a suggestion to consider serial verbs separately from other cases. Some Scope Creep is a variant of that proposal which does exactly that:

  • bu kuq jí sá means ¬(∃x kuq jí x), and
  • ao kuq jí sá means AO(∃x kuq jí x), just like in No Scope Creep — but
  • shoe kuq acts like an atomic verb, as in vanilla Toaq Delta, and so
  • shoe kuq jí súq sá means: ∃x shoe kuq jí súq x.
    • (In No Scope Creep, it means shoe jí ∃x kuq súq x.

So serials remain their old-school scope behavior, where shoe kuq behaves the same as a would-be compound kuqshoe.

(But then how do we explain "why" shoe does not scope over its complement (kuq … súq sá)? Laqme thinks maybe we really should just treat serials like shoe kuq as syntactically the same sort of thing as atomic verbs, and model serialization using type-shifting instead of movement. See Weird VPs.)