How many tones are there? What does the … tone do?
There are four tones, but each one has various uses depending on the part of speech they are used with. Simplifying things a lot, is for particles and verbs, is for particles and (pro)nouns, marks subordination, and is for adverbs. See Tone for a thorough overview.
How do you pronounce…?
Please refer to
What's up with the letter q in this language? Pronunciation of q
q is somewhat special and its pronunciation may not be immediately obvious. It is pronounced like English ⟨ng⟩ (IPA [ŋ]). The use of the letter Q is a nod to Rex May’s Ceqli, an international auxiliary language with loglang elements; it’s also found in natural languages such as Fijian (where it represents [ᵑɡ], to be exact).
How do I type the tone marks/symbols/diacritics?
Please see Input methods.
What's with the ı / i without dot / dotless i?
Writing ı without the dot distinguishes it more from an i that carries a tone mark, it also makes more room for an adjacent tone mark. Overall, it just makes things easier to read. See Latin writing system.
Can I fill fewer slots than a verb has?
Probably! See Underfilling.
How do I skip slots? (What's the equivalent of Lojban's FA
Toaq intentionally doesn't have this feature. Just fill the slots with pronouns.
How does bọ work? What is the meaning / place structure of bọdo?
Semi-officially, it moves the direct object to the front, and removes the old subject. See bo-.
How do numbers work?
The official number system is that numbers are just verbs: saq means "___ are three in number", so Saq jío means "the buildings are three" and sá jıo saq means "some buildings that are three" (three buildings).
A more elaborate unofficial number system is described at User:Loekıa/Numbers.
Tools and resources
Where do I start learning?
Try Toaq with Ease or the Grammar overview. You can also ask questions on Discord.
Is there a way to check whether my sentence is correct? / Is there a translator from Toaq to logic notation?
You can use Kuna's web interface here.
How can I join the Discord server?
Use this invite link.
Is there a frequency list?
Yes! See frequency-list.txt in the corpus repo.
Is there a list of translated sentences?
This spreadsheet has up-to-date example sentences in the "Refgram examples" and "A sentences" sheets.