
Revision as of 01:20, 7 July 2024 by Laqme (talk | contribs) (throw some books and papers into a table)
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This page collects books and papers we like.

Author Year Title Notes
Montague 1973 The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English. Known as "PTQ", this paper describes a small loglang-like fragment of English and explores its syntax-semantics interface.
Heim & Kratzer 1998 Semantics in generative grammar Introduced "Predicate Modification" etc.
Radford 2004 Minimalist syntax: Exploring the Structure of English Nice intro to the Minimalist Program.
Santorini 2007 The syntax of natural language: An online introduction Free, friendly intro to syntax in general.
Barker & Shan 2014 Continuations and Natural Language Promising book? Nice solution to donkey anaphora etc
Gluckman 2020 The Science of Syntax Another nice intro to syntax.
Bumford & Charlow 2022 Effectful composition in natural language semantics (ESSLLI slides) Oh yeah. this is the stuff