
From The Toaq Wiki

This page collects books and papers we like.

Author Year Title Notes Beginner-friendly
Chomsky 1957 Syntactic Structures Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Dense and old but important.
Montague 1973 The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English. Describes a small loglang-like fragment of English and explores its syntax-semantics interface.
Cowan 1997 The Complete Lojban Language On Lojban.
Heim & Kratzer 1998 Semantics in generative grammar Introduced "Predicate Modification" etc.
Radford 2004 Minimalist syntax: Exploring the Structure of English Nice intro to the Minimalist Program.
McKay 2006 Plural Predication Introduces some plural logic ideas. Philosophical.
Santorini 2007 The syntax of natural language: An online introduction Free, accessible intro to syntax in general.
Barker & Shan 2014 Continuations and Natural Language Promising book? Nice solution to donkey anaphora etc
Moulton 2015 Arguments Against CPs as Arguments CPs make more sense now.
Gluckman 2020 The Science of Syntax Another nice intro to syntax. More modern and data-oriented.
Bumford & Charlow 2022 Effectful composition in natural language semantics (ESSLLI slides) Oh yeah. this is the stuff
Coppock & Champollion ongoing Invitation to Formal Semantics Friendly, huge textbook that covers a lot of topics.
Cirdelli et al 2018 Inquisitive Semantics Introduces a way to model questions and assertions using a unified model. It also requires (at least up to a certain point) only a basic understanding of how propositions are usually modeled in semantics. ✅ish
Cirdelli 2022 Inquisitive Logic No one has read this one, but the people thinking about adding inqsem to Toaq would probably care about reading it, so I've added it to the list Unknown