User:The&System/More Of...

This is mostly a page where I specify how I speak about "more things..." or "most things..." in Toaq, since, afaik, this is a hole that has no official solution. This is specifically not about comparatives and superlatives, which have a specific solution.

I don't know about the semantics of any of this.

My main goal with putting this article out there is to make people think more about this. Maybe the way I do things is good and gets accepted by the community. Maybe I have the worst ideas ever and people develop a better alternative in hopes I never suggest a feature ever again. I am trying to achieve either outcome.

Most Xs

I simply use the kága determiner. This is a mostly accepted solution, but I'm still putting it here because it is relevant.

cho kága poq báq shamu.
Most people like apples.

More Xs

I'm not sure if this and the following subsection are actually things Toaq can't do, but I can't find any example in the refgram that do them.

I use méuq.

baı nháo méuq gıaq
They made more songs.

You can specify how many more using a method that draws from Loekia's numbers proposal.

baı nháo mẹ́uqgu gıaq
They made two more songs.

baı nháo mẹ́uqtıopuı gıaq?
They made how many more songs?

More Xs than Ys

Admittedly, I have no idea what a fitting solution would be. I can't imagine a predicate that you can na- into being usable for this purpose. Maybe ▯ is more the case than ▯? náhạfaq??

If that doesn't work (I'm not sure whether it does), here's a bad proposal:

chuq jí báq shamu mëuq báq pıso
I eat more pears than apples

I originally wanted to borrow from the sä proposal, but couldn't think of a good connective to use, so I resorted to using mëuq instead.

And, without using the prefix reform, I actually don't know how specify how many more X's than Y's. But if we accept uakci's prefix reform, this is the solution we arrive at:

chuq jí báq shamu saqmëuq báq pıso
I eat three more pears than I do apples