jadı! mı ebı jí. kéo bu ebı jí :3
mí discord bï mı mi2ebi
eeem bdj nhä juoq kaı jí hí
fıeq jí ní toaqtoa, rú mí xlasisku jü joaıkea bâq lojıbaqtoa hóa
stuff i've proposed
- pë (discord, toadua)
- a way to say dates
unofficial toaq stuff i typically use
- prefix reform (sometimes prefix toneme)
- derani diphthong reform / neıranı
- kıazıu
- simple focus. i should use focus-cleft merger more maybe
- sä
- most of the proposals i've made (see above)
- eatoaq, which is compatible with at least
- prefix reform
- neıranı
- kıazıu