Discord/Help text

Toaq Blog articles
Toaq's script explained: https://toaqlanguage.wordpress.com/2019/07/29/on-the-writing-system-of-toaq/
Font file: http://toaq.org/font/TS_current.ttf
Typing guide:
Note: This post is slightly out of date. Due to an update which introduced the idea of predicate classes, tense predicates no longer need to take a second argument. They are unary predicates now.
I/me: jı, you: suq, he/she/they: nhao
For more information, see https://toaqlanguage.wordpress.com/2021/08/13/toaqs-pronominal-system/
Other resources
Toadua (community-run): https://toadua.uakci.pl/
Official dictionary (incomplete): https://toaq.net/dictionary/
Main site: http://toaq.org/
Toaq with Ease: https://toaq.github.io/TwE/
A simple guide: http://toaq.org/kata/
Sentences with translations: https://goo.gl/xPLeqG
Tone trainer: https://niftg.gitlab.io/t3wip/
Main site: http://toaq.org/
Toaq with Ease: https://toaq.github.io/TwE/
A simple guide: http://toaq.org/kata/
Sentences with translations: https://goo.gl/xPLeqG
Tone trainer: https://niftg.gitlab.io/t3wip/
Old parser (outdated, but covers all of the language): https://toaq.net/peg/ New parser (WIP, but generates more useful syntax trees): https://toaq.net/zugai/
Site: https://toaq.github.io/TwE
Repo: https://github.com/toaq/TwE
WIP / Proposals
Taxonomy of auto-hoa, by Hoaqgīo
- Required hoa.
- Hoa must appear in every relative clause.
- Semi-required hoa.
- Hoa must appear in every relative clause, unless that clause is completely empty, in which case hoa fills the first slot.
- Lazy initial auto-hoa.
- If hoa does not appear in the relative clause at all, then it is inserted before all of the other arguments.
- Eager initial auto-hoa.
- Hoa is inserted before all of the other arguments even if it does appear elsewhere in the clause, and can only be cancelled with an explicit "fi".
- Lazy structural final auto-hoa.
- If hoa does not appear in the relative clause at all, then it is inserted after all of the other arguments at the top level.
- Eager structural final auto-hoa.
- A hoa is inserted after all of the other arguments at the top-level unless the top-level slots are all filled.
- Lazy pre-terminator final auto-hoa.
- If a hoa does not appear in the relative clause at all, it is inserted as an automatic final word in the phrase (e.g. after explicit terminators but before implicit ones).
- Eager pre-terminator final auto-hoa.
- Hoa is inserted as an automatic final word in the phrase (e.g. after explicit terminators but before implicit ones) unless the phrase is full.
- Hybrid hoa.
- The constructs lú, lü, lủ, and räı could have different rules of hoa. For example, eager initial auto-hoa in häo clauses together with semi-required hoa in lü/lú clauses has been suggested (the auto-hoa form for lú would then be ke häo).
New phonology (proposal)
Original proposal: http://toaq.org/Phonology_v1.pdf
Version 2: http://toaq.org/Phonology_v2.pdf
Version 3: http://toaq.org/Phonology_v3.pdf
Spreadsheet (v4): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AUry0Sf6lVXfnTK66LhZBdZs5JexNa9h7FCwl16DKJI/edit?usp=sharing
Toaq number system proposals
Core Root Blacklist
🚫 cultures, languages, countries 🚫 animals, plants 🚫 organs 🚫 articles of clothing 🚫 materials
These are the function word classes and their members:
SA (sa, sıa, tu, ja, ke, hı, co, baq, hoı)
TO (to) RU (ru, ra, ro, rı, roı)
DA (da, ba, ka, moq)
LU (lu, lı, ma, tıo)
GO (fı, go, cu, ta)
PO (po, jeı, mea)
JE (je, keo, tıu)
KU (ku, tou, beı)
BI (bı, pa)
JU (ju, la)
MI (mı) SHU (shu)
KIO (kıo) KI (kı)
MO (mo) TEO (teo)
HU (hu)
NA (na), GA (ga), CEI (ceı)
a aq aı ao ay u uq uy ua uaq uo uoq ue ueq uaı uao uoı uı ı ıq ıy ıa ıaq ıo ıoq ıe ıeq ıaı ıao ıu o oq oı ou oy oa oaq oe oeq oaı e eq eı ey ea eaq eo eoq eaı y
a aq aı ao ay u uq uy ua uaq uo uoq ue ueq uaı uao uoı uı ı ıq ıy ıa ıaq ıo ıoq ıe ıeq ıaı ıao ıu o oq oı ou oy oa oaq oe oeq oaı e eq eı ey ea eaq eo eoq eaı y
a aq aı ao ay u uq uy ua uaq uo uoq ue ueq uaı uao uoı uı ı ıq ıy ıa ıaq ıo ıoq ıe ıeq ıaı ıao ıu o oq oı ou oy oa oaq oe oeq oaı e eq eı ey ea eaq eo eoq eaı y
- Subordinating:
- TUA: (c 0)
- LEO: (c 1)
- TAQ: (c 2)
- MIUJEQ: (c c 0)
- HUAQ: (c c 1)
- TOI: (c c 2)
- Adjectival:
- NUI: (a)
- Exhibitor:
- HEA: (c e)
See also: https://toaq.me/Frame.
How to introduce yourself:
- Jẻı mí X jí
- "I am (the one named) X."
- Mỉ X jí
- "I am (someone named) X", "My name is X."
- Chủa shú X jí
- "My name is X."
- Jıy mí X.
- "I am X."
- https://charactercounttool.com/list-of-3000-familiar-words.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animal_names
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_human_anatomy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_organs_of_the_human_body
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrasting_and_categorization_of_emotions
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-linguistic_onomatopoeias
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geon_(psychology)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_shapes
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatomical_terms_of_location
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Clothing_by_type
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chemical_elements
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_instruments
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Interjections_by_language
- above
- gao
- under
- guq
- in front
- shaq
- behind
- tıa
- left
- lıo
- right
- sıaq
- inside
- nıe
- outside
- buı
- January
- shıjue
- February
- gujue
- March
- saqjue
- April
- jojue
- May
- fejue
- June
- cıjue
- July
- dıaıjue
- August
- roaıjue
- September
- neıjue
- October
- heıjue
- November
- heıshıjue
- December
- heıgujue
- 1
- shı
- 2
- gu
- 3
- saq
- 4
- jo
- 5
- fe
- 6
- cı
- 7
- dıaı
- 8
- roaı
- 9
- neı
- 10
- heı
- 0
- puısīa
Personal pronouns ("normal" pronouns)
Person Pronoun ---------------- 1 jí 2 súq 3 nháo 1+2 múy / súqjı 1+3 míy / nháojı 2+3 súo / súqnhao 1+2+3 máy
Anaphoric pronouns ("co-filling" pronouns)
Class Pronoun Example --------------------------------------------- Anonymous ráı sa rảı Animate hó sa pỏq Inanimate tangible máq sa jỉo Abstract (intangible) hóq sa sỉo Adjectives tá sa dẻ t5 clauses róu dûa jí sıa rảı LU kúy lú tảo jí hóa PO zé pó sa gỉ Personal pronouns fúy nháo Demonstratives bóu ní
- spring
- jeaqcao
- summer
- loqcao
- fall
- shuacao
- winter
- koacao
- huo
- "auditory (pertaining to hearing/audition)"
- kaq
- "visual/optical (pertaining to sight/vision)"
- noq
- "gustatory (pertaining to taste/gustation)"
- puaq
- "somatic/tactile (pertaining to touch/somatosensation)"
- shıq
- "olfactory (pertaining to smell/olfaction)"
- bitter
- shueq
- sweet
- duao
- salty
- keaq
- sour
- soe
- umami
- muaı
Structure Terminator MI ga PO ga mo teo kıo kı lu ky prenex bı statement na subordinate clause cy
- "day"
- chaq
- "week"
- joa
- "month
- " jue
- "year"
- nıaq
- "second"
- sekuq
- "minute"
- mınu
- "hour"
- hora
# Name Mark Creates/Used with :one: Even tone :t1: compound :two: Rising tone :t2: argument phrase :three: Rising glottal tone :t3: relative clause :four: Falling tone :t4: predicate phrase :five: Rising-falling tone :t5: content clause :six: Low tone :t6: preposition :seven: Low glottal tone :t7: adverbial phrase :eight: Neutral tone :t8: particle
See also: http://toaq.org/#tone_functions
And: https://toaqlanguage.wordpress.com/2019/07/25/on-the-sounds-of-toaq-phonology-update/
<:t2:488324732354166784> <:t3:577249485424558101> <:t4:488324732979118100> <:t5:488324733700538369> <:t6:488324733906190343> <:t7:488324734342266880> <:t8:488324734023630849>
o q ō rl ó pb ǒ xz ỏ nm ô td ò kg õ fv
a u ı o e y
- Mon
- kıachaq
- Tue
- naraqchaq
- Wed
- luechaq
- Thu
- rıqchaq
- Fri
- kuaochaq
- Sat
- mıochaq
- Sun
- loachaq
niftg's WIP tone trainer:
- ☑ general https://t.me/joinchat/CWpuWUMl0JeW7-TdO6PnAQ
- ☑ #chiejio: https://t.me/joinchat/CWpuWUPKUdAiT7KR6SiE7w
- ☑ #toaq-only: https://t.me/joinchat/CWpuWUSC9pqnzPyufkQsrA
- ☑ #toashuaq: https://t.me/joinchat/CWpuWUvrHSdLL3JneDjp9Q
- ☑ #off-topic: https://t.me/joinchat/CWpuWVJC8_-EMukIAjMfYQ
Name art
Wiki pages
2018: http://toaq.org/chatlogs/frequencylist.txt
2019: http://toaq.org/chatlogs/frequencylist_20190202.txt
2021: https://gist.github.com/lynn/c8c6f904d4e5c29a6b2533a7ac05680a
Grammar proposal for la (not ju):
interjection <- primitive_interjection / complex_interjection
primitive_interjection <- "á" / "ả" / [...]
complex_interjection <- la_phrase toaq_word
la_phrase <- "la" spaces*
607/846 roots assigned; 239 free roots available. (date: 2019/07/10)
The 7 tones are less complicated than one might think.
The only atomic tones are :t1:, :t2:, :t4: and :t6:.
- t3: and :t7: are compound tones: :t3: is a :t2: containing a glottal stop, while :t7: is a :t6: containing a glottal stop.
Finally, :t5: is the same as :t1: followed by :t4:, where the two tones are separated by a hiatus.
Please see http://toaq.org/welcome.txt if you have no idea what the welcome message means.