This page collects books and papers we like.
Author | Year | Title | Notes | Beginner-friendly |
Chomsky | 1957 | Syntactic Structures | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Dense and old but important. | |
Montague | 1973 | The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English. | Describes a small loglang-like fragment of English and explores its syntax-semantics interface. | |
Cowan | 1997 | The Complete Lojban Language | On Lojban. | |
Heim & Kratzer | 1998 | Semantics in generative grammar | Introduced "Predicate Modification" etc. | |
Radford | 2004 | Minimalist syntax: Exploring the Structure of English | Nice intro to the Minimalist Program. | |
McKay | 2006 | Plural Predication | Introduces some plural logic ideas. Philosophical. | |
Santorini | 2007 | The syntax of natural language: An online introduction | Free, accessible intro to syntax in general. | ✅ |
Barker & Shan | 2014 | Continuations and Natural Language | Promising book? Nice solution to donkey anaphora etc | |
Moulton | 2015 | Arguments Against CPs as Arguments | CPs make more sense now. | |
Gluckman | 2020 | The Science of Syntax | Another nice intro to syntax. More modern and data-oriented. | ✅ |
Bumford & Charlow | 2022 | Effectful composition in natural language semantics (ESSLLI slides) | Oh yeah. this is the stuff | |
Bumford & Charlow | 2023 | Effect-driven interpretation | Paper about Effects based semantics | |
Coppock & Champollion | ongoing | Invitation to Formal Semantics | Friendly, huge textbook that covers a lot of topics. | ✅ |
Cirdelli et al | 2018 | Inquisitive Semantics | Introduces a way to model questions and assertions using a unified model. It also requires (at least up to a certain point) only a basic understanding of how propositions are usually modeled in semantics. | ✅ish |
Cirdelli | 2022 | Inquisitive Logic | No one has read this one, but the people thinking about adding inqsem to Toaq would probably care about reading it, so I've added it to the list | Unknown |