
From The Toaq Wiki
Toaq Gamma This page was written for Toaq Gamma. Its contents are not yet up to date with the latest version of Toaq, Toaq Delta.
Syllable shapes
Medial Final Unstressed Stressed
No hiatus Hiatus present
neutral tone[nb 1] falling tonerising tonemid-falling tone rising-falling tonerising-creaky tonefalling creaky tone alternate[nb 2]
V V V₁.V₁
Vx[nb 3] Vx Vx V₁.V₁x
V V V₁.V₂ V₁ː.V₂ V₁.V₁.V₂ V₁ː.V₂
Vx[nb 3] V₁.V₂x V₁ː.V₂x V₁.V₁.V₂x V₁ː.V₂x
ˈaw[nb 4] V.ˈaw V.ˈaw V.ˈ
  1. Includes the continuation tone (belonging to non-initial syllables of multisyllabic words).
  2. magı’s alternate system where hiatus tones do not reduplicate any vowels, but leverage existing hiatuses in the word. In addition, /Vaw/ is not given special treatment in this system and remains initially stressed.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Stands for any of the three permissible codal consonants – /j/, /w/, /ŋ/ – which turn a preceding /u i o/ into its allophonic variant [ʊ ɪ ɔ] respectively, as well as eliminate any lengthening.
  4. Special-cased since it shifts stress.

Phone-based mora counts ([V] = 1 mora; [Vː], [Vx] = 2 morae; unchanged by magı’s alternate system):

neutral tone falling tonerising tonemid-falling tone rising-falling tonerising-creaky tonefalling creaky tone alternate
/V/ 1 2 2
/Vx/ 2 3
/VV/ 2 3 3
/VVx/ 3 4 4
/Vaw/ 3 4

Hiatus-based mora counts (each hiatus [.] adds 1 mora):

neutral tone falling tonerising tonemid-falling tone rising-falling tonerising-creaky tonefalling creaky tone alternate
/V/ 1 2
/VV/ 2 3 2

Mixed hiatus- and phone-based mora counts (each hiatus [.], as well as drawn-out vowel [ː] adds 1 mora):

neutral tone falling tonerising tonemid-falling tone rising-falling tonerising-creaky tonefalling creaky tone alternate
/V/ 1 2 2
/Vx/ 1 1 2
/VV/ 2 3 3 3
/Vaw/ 2 2/3 3 3