
From The Toaq Wiki
Revision as of 13:20, 15 September 2024 by Laqme (talk | contribs) (Clean up a lot)
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Social venues

Official resources

Managed by Hoemai.

Unofficial resources

Managed by the community.


  • Toadua: the community dictionary, featuring several thousand unofficial words as well as official ones (see article Toadua)
  • Kuna, a parser; see article Kuna
  • Kai, a typing tool; see article Input methods
  • Tooltipping tool – lets you peek at definitions of words in running text by hovering at them


  • Toaq sentences with audio – several thousand sentences accompanied by English translations and (WIP) audio
  • Corpus of most common Toaq words (frequency-list.txt)
  • Research, collection of papers and books about syntax and semantics
  • Creations, things we made


(Some of these may be for previous versions of Toaq.)

Related links

  • Predilex: a database of predicates with definitions, tags and cross-linking with corresponding words in different loglangs, including Toaq
  • The Loglangs Wiki: an affiliated project that aims to document and foster the development of up-and-coming logical languages