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<span style="font-size:180%">{{t|Hỉo ka!}} <span style="font-size:75%">{{script|OhNik!}}</span> Welcome to the Toaq wiki!</span>
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<h1 style="font-size: 180%; border: none;">{{Deranize|Shadı!|stack}} Welcome to the Toaq wiki!</h1>

See [[Project:About|this page]] for posting rules. Also see our [[Tukue:Joq kaıce|Wikipedia ripoff]], or maybe [[Special:AllPages|a list of all pages]] if you’re feeling adventurous.
[[Project:About|About this wiki]] • [// All {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles]

== Introduction ==
<div style="text-align:left; margin:2px auto; border-radius:8px; background: linear-gradient(in oklch 50deg, rgba(255,227,252,1) 0%, rgba(240,234,255,1) 50%, rgba(212,248,255,1) 100%); padding:1em 3em 2em 3em; max-width: 600px; position:relative;">
[[Toaq]] (pronounced [tʰo.aŋ]) is a constructed language developed by [[Hoemaı]]. It is a [[tonal]] language with an unambiguous syntax based on [[predicate logic]].
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[[File:Logo swatch.png|260px|]]

Toaq values simplicity, succinctness, and aesthetics. Flexibility emerges from a small amount of rules. {{t|Pủa súq chîe zủdeq ja mí Tỏaq ba!}} (May you enjoy learning Toaq!)
<h2 style="font-size:140%; border: none;">{{t|Hıa Tóaqzu móq?}} (What is Toaq?)</h2>

You can read a description of the language on the [ official website]. Evolution of the language is ongoing on the [ official blog] and [[Discord]].
[[Toaq]] is a constructed language developed by [[Hoemaı]] and a community of speakers.

== Resources on this wiki ==
It is a [[tonal]] analytic language with an unambiguous [[syntax]] that can be translated to logic formulas by a [[parser]], while being just as delightful for humans to use. In this sense, Toaq is both a [[loglang]] and an artlang.
* A [[glossary]] of terms often used in the Toaq community.
* A directory of [[links]] to all kinds of resources.

: '''Please note''': This wiki was founded not a long time ago and is still in its infancy. So if you have the time, or spot an erroneous claim, please contribute – [[wikipedia:Wikipedia:be bold|be bold]]!
Toaq balances exactness, simplicity, succinctness, and aesthetics. Flexibility emerges from a small number of rules.
For a more in-depth introduction, see: [[What is Toaq? (for linguists)|What is Toaq?]]
<h2 style="font-size:140%; border: none;">{{t|Aıka!}} (Let’s go!)</h2>
Check out the [[grammar overview]] to get a taste of the language. Or start learning using [[Toaq with Ease]].
You can read a detailed description of the language on the [ official website].
On [[Discord]], we talk in Toaq, discuss semantics, translate comics, dream up words, and more.
{{t|Pua choaq súq Tóaqgua ba!}} (Enjoy your stay in Toaqland!)
<h2 style="font-size:140%; border: none; text-align: center;">{{Deranize|Duafa súq [kóaıkue] doa!|stack}} {{nowrap|— Explore the wiki:}}
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<h3 style="margin-top:0;padding-top:0;text-align:center;">Language</h3>
* [[Toaq]] – an overview
* [[Cheat sheet|Cheatsheet]]
* [[Timeline]]
* [[Versions]]
* [[Glossary]]
* [[Writing system]]
* [[Tones]]
* [[Parser]]
* [[Useful phrases]]
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<h3 style="margin-top:0;padding-top:0;text-align:center;">Concepts</h3>
* [[Properties]]
* [[Pronouns]]
* [[Kind]]s
* [[Serial verb]]s
* [[Predicate logic]]
* [[Plural logic]]
* [[Thematic role]]s
* [[Syntax]]
* [[Semantics]]
<div style="flex-shrink: 0; float:right; margin:2px; border:0px solid #89e; background:rgba(212,248,255,1); width: 200px; padding:1em;">
<h3 style="margin-top:0;padding-top:0;text-align:center;">Community</h3>
* [[Discord]] {{DiscordInviteLink|'''join us!'''}}
*[[Toadua]] – [ '''our dictionary''']
*[[Tukue]] (Wikipedia in Toaq)
[[Special:RecentChanges|Recent changes]] • [[Special:Random|Random page]]

Revision as of 02:54, 26 October 2024